Soha’s 1 Year Birthday Party was quite the event, with delicious Indian food and all kinds of amazing details for her pink elephant themed birthday party. Her wonderful parents, Afsheen and Rafiq, did a great job setting up for Soha’s big day. Storms threatened a full day party outside, so they made do with a better plan of part indoors, and part outdoors in a beautiful home in Sugarland. There were awesome pink cupcakes with elephants on top, mouth-watering fruit cups, pink banana bread and adorable elephant ears for her smash cake. qassam12 qassam9

Soha’s friends weren’t going to miss this party out here in Sugarland that day.qassam18

Soha must have been trying to tell me which way to go for the Indian food that had just arrived.qassam25 qassam17 qassam16 qassam13 qassam14 qassam15qassam2



Look at this cute pink elephant themed cake! Awesome Afsheen!

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