And so it is. As are most things; forgotten. “Cinemagraphs” seemed to be a mystery as they brought movement to photographs while somehow managing to obtain the beauty in a still image. It became surreal for me as I realized that even though I wasn’t looking at a flat image, I wasn’t watching a video either. Mesmerizing, this was.
Welcome to my blog. For those of you who do not know, my profession is split between photography and graphic design. This blogpost has photos with subtle movement in them. Scroll through to see them, particularly in the perfume bottle, the high heels, earrings, and the black and white photo. I have had this restless feeling to do something unorthodox, minds away from the routinely mundane. I’ve been out of sync physically, eclectic in my mind, and worst of all, erratic in my behavior. Going too fast, not going fast enough, push pull, push pull. Agh! A talk with my developer from India, a vintage king chair perched on the side of the road, and a beautiful girl became the catalyst for my most recent shoot, and that shoot would fill that void, at least for now.
So my developer Rahul, re-energized the idea of cinemagraphs and I raced off to research. Remembering that Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg were the pioneers of cinemagraphs, I started digging up the knowledge to learn it on my own. I wanted to make them for myself, in my way. My research of the technology led me to a vintage-style shoot, with muted colors and faded looks. That is when I found myself zipping around the Montrose area of Houston and gliding down Westheimer until I passed the vintage chair I had become fascinated with. This chair resides at BJ’s Oldies Antique Shop. It sits around a plethora of other amazing chairs, lamps, and miscellaneous treasures, especially this vintage perfume bottle. I couldn’t get enough of this place. After a quick chat, I told them I’d be back in a couple of days for a shoot. I couldn’t wait to create these photographs of movement.
The shoot went flawless [though humid] with a beautiful Jacquelyn, un-phased, whom of which I have the biggest fashion crush on. Her sense of style is the perfect storm to photograph. It was even her idea to create a cinemagraph out of the perfume bottle. Now, I feel much better about cinemagraphs. I am currently redesigning my website to reflect both sides of my business and will be posting screenshots of the new site soon enough. It’s been one more of those things I haven’t felt right about in some time but finally broke the creative block using the Parallax Effect. I’m feeling a celebratory shoot/design special coming on once it is complete and will be offering cinemagraphs as an add-on to any photoshoot. Hope that you like my work. I’m always on Dribbble, Facebook and Instagram too. There are still a few things I’m working on with these photographs of movement but I’m glad I was able to put my sporadic feelings of being out of sorts into something visual. I’d love to hear which moving photograph is your favorite: – –
The Music that Powered Me Through: