I am simply amazed with Patrick Dougherty’s Sapling architecture bit at Hermann Park. It is a perfect thing. Come to find out, this guy out of North Carolina goes around sprinkling awesome everywhere he goes, sculpting these things of all shapes and sizes. I grabbed my fun photographer friend, Kendall and asked her to take photos with me there. When I walked up on this last weekend while out on a bridal shoot, I felt like I was in the movie Braveheart [only my favorite movie of all time]. I felt the slow rumble in my chest as “Frrrrrrrrreeeeeedddooomm” came bellowing out. Oh well, live a little. They did. You will probably see these types of photos circulating around for a while from me. It’s been such a long time since I had something this amazing to stare at. I am playing with different editing styles and wanted to work up HDR for Dougherty’s Saplings in this go-round. You go Houston, keep being great. #makethemostofitall